简介: The year 2000- Pop, a bloodthirsty Thai ghost, haunts Sam Kotr, a small village in Roi Et Province. One by one, the men in the village fall victim t
简介: 当年我们看到的版本是美版,也就是所谓的《战刀骑士》。其实《战刀骑士》的原型是日本的《星铳士ビスマルク》,于1984年在日本NTV电视台播放。美国于1987年引进了该作,英文名为《Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs》,对日版原作做了很大的改动。首先是人物,美国人将日
简介: HOVER takes place in the near future, where environmental strain has caused food shortages around the world. Technology provides a narrow path forwa