简介: It’s 2011 and we’re in Rome. The government is on the verge of collapse, the Vatican is at crisis point and the city’s squares are quite literally o
简介:在罗马郊区的一座公墓内,正在进行墓地改造的工人们偶然挖出了一口埋藏了两百多年的棺材,连同棺材出土的还有一只神秘的匣子。这个发现令在场的神父有着不祥的预感,他命工人重新埋葬棺木,而将匣子邮寄给历史博物馆的馆长麦克?皮尔斯(Adam James 亚当?詹姆斯 饰),请求这位研究神秘学的老友帮忙进行深入调
简介: Maya (Lustre) is a girl who has always held a pessimistic view of the rain, reminding her of failed love and other depressing things. Will the rain