简介:In seventeenth century England Lord Whitman wages unending war on what he sees as the ever-present scourge of witchcraft, and many local villagers hav
简介: 纽约市市长约翰(阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino 饰)为人成熟老练,处事圆滑,是政坛当中的一把好手。副市长凯文(约翰·库萨克 John Cusack 饰)尽管资历尚欠,但凭借着一腔热血和年轻气盛,亦将自己的事业经营得风生水起,在这一老一少两人的完美配合之下,纽约这座繁华的城市每日都显得如此生机勃
简介: A young apprentice healer tries to suppress his supernatural abilities so he can fit in with the other kids, but when a malicious spirit breaks out
简介: A young apprentice healer tries to suppress his supernatural abilities so he can fit in with the other kids, but when a malicious spirit breaks out