简介: 基于戴安娜·奈德所著畅销自传《Find A Way》,她在70年代被视为世界上最杰出的长距离游泳选手,曾打破数个世界纪录。2013年,64的岁的奈德在最好的朋友和35名热心支持者的帮助下,不带防鲨笼完成了青年时期多次失败过的毕生梦想:横渡从古巴到佛罗里达的110英里海域,是第一个达此成就的人。
简介: 本片根据英国作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙的同名小说改编。伊丽莎白女王一世时期的英国,英俊贵族少年奥兰多(蒂尔达·斯维顿 Tilda Swinton 饰)得到了女王的宠爱,被赐予宅邸及不朽的青春。在之后的四百年间,奥兰多先是爱上了俄国公主萨沙(夏洛特·瓦兰椎 Charlotte Valandrey 饰),
简介: Based on true events that happened in Singapore in April 1958. The studio workers of Shaw Brothers are on strike for better pay and to support worke
简介: A woman has had her little child squashed and killed after the jins have turned the cabinet over him as she found out that this was not a coincidenc
简介: The delivery of the gifts turns into a disaster and Santa Claus is in trouble. Will her grandchildren, Jules and Noor, manage to team up to save the