简介: Nadia Tereszkiewicz and Benoît Magimel will topline Di Giusto’s La Rosalie. Production will begin in the fall in the region of Brittany for what we
简介: A businessman mysteriously wakes up in an open-air prison cell with only an old grist mill. Forced to work as a beast of burden, he must find a way
简介: 为了谈生意,鲁滨逊(皮埃尔·理查德 Pierre Richard 饰)登上了前往非洲的圣卢西娅号邮轮,哪知道旅行途中遭到了船长和大副的陷害,鲁滨逊被扔上了一艘小船,抛弃在茫茫大海之上。身陷险境的鲁滨逊并没有放弃生存的希望,他好不容易来到了一座荒岛之上,哪知道很快,鲁滨逊就在岛上发现了已经遭遇了海
简介: 故事发生在第二次世界大战刚刚结束之际,战争期间在前线拼杀的诺亚(克里斯·克莱因 Chris Klein 饰)退伍归乡,哪知道等待着他的并非温暖的家庭,一切都在那短短的几年间变得面目全非。诺亚的父母在战争中双双死去,弟弟也因为违法乱纪而被关进了监狱,家中的田地被变卖一空。 心灰意冷的诺亚无处可去
简介: Based on the haunting true stories told on a famous radio show, the new horror series “Terror Tuesday: Extreme” will bring eight stories to the scre
简介: Onyx joins a group of fellow occultists to attend a dark ritual at the mansion of their idol, Bartok. Suspecting Bartok’s nefarious intentions, Onyx