简介: 二战期间,战争与死亡的阴云笼罩整个欧洲,无一国家幸免。 居住在匈牙利的14岁犹太青年卡维(Marcell Nagy 饰),在乘车探望父亲的路上被纳粹军人拦下,随后被送往集中营。在这个非人的所在,死亡、疾病、虐待、恐惧时刻威胁着他们的生命。听取了好友凯尔泰斯的建议,卡维发誓无论如何也要活着走出这
简介: Four young men leave boyhood behind and shed more than just their clothes and inhibitions in Writer/Director Daniel Armando’s new film. Shy Manuel a
简介: When her parents are murdered, Nneka encounters the Queen of the Coast who offers to help her in revealing the identities of people who killed her p
简介: One has to be brave enough to accept loosing old self for the sake of growing up. Kira becomes adult briskly, watching her family and soviet childho
简介: 泰勒(德里克·贝汉姆 Derek Baynham 饰)邀请大学好友查斯(查理·大卫 Charlie David 饰)来一起过暑假,却浑然不知查斯的同志身份将给家里带来什么。泰勒的父亲内森(丹·佩恩 Dan Payne 饰)将自己的性取向成功的压抑了20年,但查斯的到来让他怦然心动,竟像陷入初恋的