简介:哈罗德(哈罗德·劳埃德 Harold Lloyd 饰)是裁缝铺里的学徒,个性腼腆内向的他在女人面前总是面红耳赤畏首畏尾,因此常常受到女顾客们的嘲笑。哈罗德是一个非常热爱幻想的人,在他的幻想里,自己是一个将所有女人都玩弄在股掌之中的花花公子,哈罗德将自己的这些荒诞幻想都记录在案写成了小说。 一天,哈
简介:Nostalgic for his glory days, a frustrated stay-at-home dad invites all of his high school Facebook friends to an 80s-themed surprise party for his ex
简介:美军一名飞行员在南美洲的原始森林失踪了,那里盘踞着不怎么友好的当地游击队。美军特种兵少校达奇(阿诺•施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger)率领部下亲自前往搜救。他们在森林里很快就发现了失踪的飞行员的尸体,死状恐怖。大家都认为那是当地的游击队干的,愤怒的队 员开始寻找当地游击队的基地,
简介:Also new to the slate is recently completed Australian title Rough Stuff, an action-adventure story about an activist group which makes a dubious deal
简介:Thor's villainous uncle Loki has escaped Asgard to search for Yggdrasil - The Tree of the Nine Realms. The tree holds the power of the Universe and is