简介:所有的老师和校长听到“布兰登学校”的大名之时都会暗自在心中捏一把冷汗,这所学校因为黑恶势力的潜伏和极高的校园犯罪率而在教育界臭名昭著,如今,人生遭遇了全面滑铁卢的约翰(摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)即将成为这所学校的新一任校长。 看着校园里此消彼长的歪风邪气,约翰心里充满了愤怒,
简介:Brussels. Leo, a Spanish metro driver, while conducting his train and arriving at a station, sees a young man in distress on the edge of the platform.
简介: Tomás, an 11-year-old boy living in his own fantasy world, must use his vast monster knowledge to fight against his new English teacher: a wicked wo
简介:After going broke, Gwen Stevens is forced to return to her abandoned childhood home hoping to pick up the pieces of her life. Among the relics and mem
简介:又是一年足球赛季,成绩不甚良好的巴黎队即将前往卡布隆吉与当地球队进行对抗。巴黎队球星山姆·罗瑞特(奥尔本·勒努瓦 Alban Lenoir 饰)出生于卡布隆吉,他最近表现不太出色,因此备受媒体奚落。与此同时,众多球迷相继云集到球场,准备欣赏一场精彩的赛事。杰诺特(Sebastien Vandenbe