简介: Street Sharks is an American animated television series about crime-fighting half-man/half-sharks similar to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It wa
简介: This animation series is about some animals on a deserted tropical island, where various things are mysteriously found. Most of them want to cohabit
简介: 飓风后的奥尔良,全城陷入瘫痪。当地的监狱中,所有狱警和囚犯已全部撤离,却有一个囚徒被遗忘在这里。警官特伦斯•麦克多纳(尼古拉斯•凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)和同事巡查牢房时发现了他,特伦斯出手相助。这个英勇举动使他晋升为中尉,但他的脊柱也受到严重损伤,从此只能靠药物缓解疼痛。不断加剧的疼