简介: Devon Ke Dev...Mahadev is a Hindu spiritual television drama series which airs on Life OK channel. It premiered on 18 December, 2011 and showcases t
简介: Follows a Chicago investigator who travels to Scotland after a new serial killer commits crimes that match those that he looked into five years prev
简介: 在比赛中,丹·米尔曼(斯科特·麦克洛维茨 Scott Mechlowicz 饰)完成了一组高难度的吊环动作,却在落地时把左腿摔得粉碎。他猛然惊醒,原来是南柯一梦。凌晨三点,受惊的米尔曼出去散心,意外在加油站结识了一位身怀绝技的老者苏格拉底(尼克·诺特 Nick Nolt e 饰),两人成了忘年交
简介: In order to prevent a deadly explosion, an illicit crack team has 24 hours to drive two truckloads of nitroglycerine across a desert laden with dang
简介: Based on a true story. 1996, open sea. During his shift on a transatlantic ship’s deck, Joel, a religious Filipino sailor, discovers Dumitru, a Roma