简介:The story follows a struggling young couple chasing the American dream only to realize their worst nightmare when they discover a demonic spirit in th
简介:A failed Broadway singer who now works as a production manager must save opening night on his new production by wrangling his eccentric cast and crew.
简介: The story follows a struggling young couple chasing the American dream only to realize their worst nightmare when they discover a demonic spirit in
简介: 昔日的重量级拳击冠军乔治(迈克尔•加•怀特 Michael Jai White 饰)在俄罗斯拍摄广告度日,某天他的家被人闯入后放置了大量毒品,于是乔治因贩毒入狱。这场陷害的幕后主使是俄罗斯当地的黑拳界,他们利用犯人们的搏击比赛开设赌局,而乔治出色的身后令他成为了监狱的目标,各方希望乔治能与狱中拳
简介: After moving into a new house, a young woman experiences a terrifying series of encounters with something evil. The whole nightmare is captured on h
简介: The tough and cold mercenary Warchild, is working for the man who took care of his war training and upbringing, the greedy General Ruechang. Ruechan