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    10.0 HD




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      Stine and Teit, your average urban middle-class artists and intellectuals, leave Copenhagen for the wilds of neighbouring Sweden’s forest. Soon, they find out that something is strange there – most disturbingly – when their son Nemo suddenly thinks his mother isn’t really his mother anymore. It becomes clear once Stine and Teit discover that they have neighbours who look exactly like them – mirror images made flesh and blood.  The subject of reflections and doubles is introduced in the film’s first shot: a view of a lake landscape turned 90° so that the water’s surface runs vertically through the image’s centre. Only once the shot gets tilted is it revealed which side mirrors which. Later, a mother and child are reflected in a glass door.  However, this is not your doppelganger thriller of the gothic variety. Note the title: in physics, superposition means (per Merriam-Webster) "the combination of two distinct physical phenomena of the same type (such as spin or wavelength) so that they coexist as part of the same event". This is more a metaphysical meditation towards the realisation that none of us is ever alone, but also never unique.


    • 4.0 HD中字 恩人 理查·基尔,迪伦·贝克,切瑞·海恩斯,达科塔·范宁,西奥·詹姆斯,布赖恩·安东尼·威尔逊,克拉克·彼得斯
    • 6.0 HD中字 热情花招 堀未央奈,清水寻也,板垣瑞生,间宫祥太朗,樱田日和,上村海成,吉川爱,志磨辽平,黑泽明日香,高桥和也,反町隆史,吉冈里帆
    • 7.0 HD中字 黄昏双镖客 克林特·伊斯特伍德,李·范·克里夫,吉安·马里亚·沃隆特,马里奥·布雷加,路易吉·皮斯蒂利,阿尔多·桑布雷利,克劳斯·金斯基,贝尼托·斯特凡内利,罗伯托·卡马迭尔,约瑟夫·埃格,Tomás,Blanco,Sergio,Mendizábal,Dante,Maggio,Werner,Abrolat,弗兰克·布拉尼亚,José,Canalejas,萝丝玛丽·德克斯特,费尔南多·迪·莱沃,Robert,Dryden,Bernie,Grant,Jesús,Guzmán,彼得·李·劳伦斯,赛尔乔·莱昂内,Gilber
    • 7.0 HD中字 黑匣子 王建,马林琦,王如,李世红,姜辉,张莉
    • 10.0 HD中字 来自大海的女人 Lucy,Cominetti,鲁兹·克罗萨托,Álvaro,Espinoza,Sergio,Hernández,Antonella,Orsini
    • 5.0 HD中字 冷战 尤安娜·库里克,托马斯·科特,波利斯·席克,阿伽塔·库莱沙,塞德里克·康,让娜·巴利巴尔,亚当·费仁希,亚当·沃诺维茨,亚当·斯齐斯科斯基

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