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    Moving to Portland, Oregon and finding work in food service is easy for Paul and Ramona. A struggling musician without bandmates, Paul becomes introverted and moody. Ramona's friend from college introduces her to a new social circle and she goes out while Paul stays home. When Ramona confronts turning thirty, it's time to grow beyond old routines and her relationship with Paul comes to a head.  Paul and Ramona, a young couple in need of a change, move to Portland, Oregon from their hometown of Boise. Upon arriving, they sublet an apartment and begin to familiarize themselves with the city. While finding work is easy (Ramona begins waitressing, while Paul gets a job at a coffee shop), change is difficult. Their life in this new city seems to be on repeat. When their car breaks down and a tandem bicycle becomes their primary means of transportation, Ramona refuses to ride.  A struggling musician, Paul, spends most of his time at home, steadily becoming introverted and moody, while Ramona, at the insistence of a co-worker, is thrust into a new social circle, where she begins an affair with a co-worker. Ramona and Paul’s relationship implodes after she confesses and in the ensuing conflict, she impulsively leaves to stay with a friend. Paul, desperate to work through the pain of the split, befriends a quirky barista named Ali. This friendship gives him a chance to begin to heal and inspires him to focus on expression through his music.


    • 4.0 HD中字 恩人 理查·基尔,迪伦·贝克,切瑞·海恩斯,达科塔·范宁,西奥·詹姆斯,布赖恩·安东尼·威尔逊,克拉克·彼得斯
    • 6.0 HD中字 热情花招 堀未央奈,清水寻也,板垣瑞生,间宫祥太朗,樱田日和,上村海成,吉川爱,志磨辽平,黑泽明日香,高桥和也,反町隆史,吉冈里帆
    • 7.0 HD中字 黄昏双镖客 克林特·伊斯特伍德,李·范·克里夫,吉安·马里亚·沃隆特,马里奥·布雷加,路易吉·皮斯蒂利,阿尔多·桑布雷利,克劳斯·金斯基,贝尼托·斯特凡内利,罗伯托·卡马迭尔,约瑟夫·埃格,Tomás,Blanco,Sergio,Mendizábal,Dante,Maggio,Werner,Abrolat,弗兰克·布拉尼亚,José,Canalejas,萝丝玛丽·德克斯特,费尔南多·迪·莱沃,Robert,Dryden,Bernie,Grant,Jesús,Guzmán,彼得·李·劳伦斯,赛尔乔·莱昂内,Gilber
    • 10.0 HD中字 来自大海的女人 Lucy,Cominetti,鲁兹·克罗萨托,Álvaro,Espinoza,Sergio,Hernández,Antonella,Orsini
    • 5.0 HD中字 冷战 尤安娜·库里克,托马斯·科特,波利斯·席克,阿伽塔·库莱沙,塞德里克·康,让娜·巴利巴尔,亚当·费仁希,亚当·沃诺维茨,亚当·斯齐斯科斯基
    • 9.0 HD中字 爸爸的木房子 杜雨露,朱丹,曹操,朱利亚·卡罗维尼

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