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    5.0 HD





      Last at the Festival with 2017’s rural noir Dark River, a selection in the Platform programme, writer-director Clio Barnard returns to the Bradford, West Yorkshire setting of her earlier films for this tumultuous, fiercely affecting midlife love story.  A bundle of good humour and nervous energy, Ali (Adeel Akhtar) is a British Pakistani working-class landlord who forges close bonds with his tenants. One day, while picking up one of his tenants’ children from school, he offers a lift to Ava (Claire Rushbrook), an Irish-born teacher and single mother of five. They bond almost instantly through their love of music, though Ali favours the high energy of Buzzcocks and hip-hop while Ava takes refuge in the quieter comforts of Bob Dylan and Karen Dalton. Despite their divergent backgrounds, differences in their stages of life, and the colour of their skin, despite the fact of Ali’s failing marriage and Ava’s fraught relationship with her adult and adolescent children, each finds themself irresistibly drawn to the other. But can their mutual desire transcend a barrage of personal obstacles?  Inspired by people Barnard encountered while making her acclaimed features The Arbor and The Selfish Giant, Ali & Ava is a film that feels profoundly rooted in lived experience, blending a tender emotional complexity with an at times bracing depiction of trauma and grief. Akhtar and Rushbrook’s finely hued performances speak to the setting’s cultural diversity and tribal loyalties while yielding a vulnerability that’s alternately heart-wrenching and joyous. Their story serves as a reminder that it is sometimes the least likely connections that are the ones most worth pursuing.


    • 5.0 HD中字 穿过寒冬拥抱你 黄渤,贾玲,朱一龙,徐帆,高亚麟,吴彦姝,许绍雄,王骁,周冬雨,刘昊然,乔欣,王一楠,刘天佐,田小洁,孙茜,张宥浩,尚语贤
    • 7.0 HD 一见钟情粤语 张曼玉,黎明,葛民辉,吴耀汉,关秀媚,周嘉玲,吴嘉龙
    • 4.0 HD 第二梦 苍井空,李缨,赵元钦,佐藤爱
    • 4.0 HD 美人皮 韩栋,张予曦,王艺曈,李若天,肖向飞,陶慧敏,温海波
    • 4.0 HD 宝刀未老 坦迪·牛顿,克里斯·派恩,劳伦斯·菲什伯恩,乔纳森·普雷斯,阿德,克里·约翰逊,阿卜杜勒·阿尔沙瑞夫,纳赛尔·米马齐亚,大卫·拜德拉,斯特拉·斯托克尔,科林·斯廷顿,戈拉·高登,迈克尔·谢弗,达尔·达什,纳西尔·贾玛,Orli Shuka,Alexander Devrient,Karina Wiedman,Oscar Coleman,Goksin Erdemli,Angela Yeoh
    • 6.0 HD 樱花盛开 艾尔玛·韦伯,汉内洛勒·埃尔斯纳,入月彩,马克西米连·布鲁克纳,纳嘉·乌尔

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